Talking About the News with Your Kids

Healthy communication about current events to increase family support and teach children empathy.

Communicating with your kid(s) about the news is an important way to help your kid(s) develop an informed world view and to help teach empathy. With media and peers being a primary source of news for kids in today's world, it is important that you, as a parent, do not let that be the only source of news for your kids. By talking with your kids about what they hear you get to learn what they are consuming. You can talk about your perspective on the issues that they bring up too. This not only widens there views of things but it also may serve as a way to connect with your kids. Additionally, by talking about the news and showing empathy for sad or tragic events, you are modeling and teaching your child to be empathetic too. You can read more about this topic in the article below, written by Jennifer E. Lansford, Ph.D.


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